Love the Son Lawncare

call or text us anytime:

(216) 513-3137

We are a company built on the old fashioned values of integrity and reliability. I created this company to serve all members of our community, and to teach my sons how to be men, by following our company motto:


It sounds simple, because it is. There’s no gimmicks here, because we always offer the lowest price we can to all our neighbors, no matter who you are. We are family owned, and either myself or one of my sons will always be on the job, to make sure that these values will always be a part of the service we provide you. We aren’t just your lawncare providers, we are your neighbors.

We take pride in your grass. You’ll love the look of our clean stripes across your lawn. We match service with value to give you a great looking lawn at a reasonable price.


To schedule a quote for any service just call text or email

(216) 513-3137

We offer Mowing, Snowblowing,

Spring/Fall cleanup, Mulch and more!


This our bread and butter, and what started this company. We take pride in clean stripes that make your lawn look amazing. We offer our services on a monthly basis. This makes life simpler for everyone. You pay at the beginning of the month, at a value priced rate and sit back and let us do the work. You pay the same no matter if there’s four weeks or five in the month. We keep the grass between 3”-4” which is the ideal height to maintain the health of your lawn.

Spring and Fall Cleanup

When the leaves are falling, don’t just have them removed, mulch them and provide much needed, and free fertilizer to your lawn. Everyone of our seasonal mowing customers gets this service completely free of charge. Other places charge more, but this is our way of saying thank you for your business all season long. Individual leaf mulching jobs are offered for non seasonal customers as well. We also can clean up your beds in the spring, or cut back plants for winter.


This has become a big part of our business. What started out of necessity led to the realization that snowblowing just out performs the snowplows. Unlike the plows other guys use, we use commercial grade snowblowers, that do the job even better as we can get around parked cars with ease, and we always clear walkways and your porch. The plow just gives a single swipe, we get the whole driveway. We offer seasonal contracts at a huge per visit discount, or we can offer single service snowblowing. The price is a bit higher with on demand service, because it’s more gas, and much less efficient. We strongly recommend the yearly contract to get a great price and the best service.

Mulch and More!

We are available to spread mulch as well as prepping your beds for the service. We can clean out your beds and remove weeds so that you get the most out of your mulch. You just order the mulch from your own trusted supplier, because why add a middle man? Or if you just want us to do it all we can have the mulch delivered for a price. Then we do all the heavy lifting and spread the mulch for you. We are available for other odds and ends around the yard. If we can do it, we will! We’ve had jobs fixing fences and repairing gates, to removing bushes, old shrubs, or dead small trees. We can plant new trees and bushes and much more. Just ask!